Saturday, May 4, 2013

Why we should never wish others belonged to our religion

The scale of the divine is so huge and so immense that we beings are like the blind discovering the elephant and only understanding a small part of it. Our limited human psyche tries to understand and comprehend this and then we try to convey it through our even more limited and constraining cultures and languages. The names Yahweh/God/Allah/divine light/spirit and such like do it no justice – they are beginnings and labels to help us. This divinity (for want of a better word and to keep it neutral) understands us as we are a part of it and so it finds a myriad of ways for us to be guided and understand it more. Our religions are such ways to help us. We don’t need religion to understand morals and ethics as that is a side of divine that is easy for us to comprehend. We learn all about that first as it helps us to live together more easily. But we do need religion to help us in our quest to understand this greatness better. However, how much we are open to the greatness of divine depends on how much we are willing to go into the unknown.
As divine knows us, it is always trying to find new ways to guide us into that unknown, but it also understands something that we often don’t – We aren’t all at the same stage, nor ready to move on. At the beginning of a new religion, those who are ready embrace it and walk willingly into the unknown. They shed light on the new knowledge and make it easier for others to follow. When the numbers get to critical mass the whole population will follow. But those last ones aren’t pioneers and they don’t understand that this is still just a small fraction of divine. So, they also create walls of safety – “We know divine now, no more exploration is necessary”. As this becomes stable there might also be those who try to limit the light and withdraw us from it again. The new knowledge becomes abused and ignored until another person can help us to forge ahead again.  And so we have the cycles of religion – our dawning comprehension, acceptance and then withdrawal. In fact, we can all be at different stages of this cycle and it is this cycle that we have to personally get off. This is what the pioneers are trying to help us to do.
Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Mahatma Ghandi, Dalai Lama and many others are ones who have tried to help us get past our limitations and to truly understand divine. Their guidance has helped thousands over the centuries to break the bonds of ignorance and to truly move and act in divine love.
In the past, our religions grew up separately. They influenced each other at the edges, converted some populations peacefully and others by the edge of the sword. Now in our modern world our cultures and religions are mingling like never before. Our different views of the same divine power didn’t matter so much before – but now if we aren’t careful it could destroy us. We keep insisting that our part of the truth is the only correct part and that everyone must move to our section in order to understand the ‘whole’ truth. We forget that in our limited human capacity we don’t hold the whole truth in our hands. The whole truth is in each and every one of us already, but depending on where we are in our spiritual journey, we don’t always have the tools to reach inside and understand that truth. Each religion has some of those tools; none of them have all of them – but if you are at the right stage in your spiritual journey then you have a far better understanding of how to use any of those tools to help you get to the next stage – whatever that is, as it’s between you and the divine.
So when you wish that others were in your religion then you are not giving the divine the respect that it knows where everyone is in their stage of the journey and knows far better than you what they need in order to make the next step. If we want to help others then we look to our journey and ensure that we are vehicles for divine love and the divine will use you to help others. Sometimes that might be to reach across and give someone a hand up in their divine truth. Other times it might be to invite others to your section so they have a wider view of the truth. If we are true vehicles then we will know that we don’t have to cut others off from their section of the truth in order for them to see ours.
In fact, if we as humanity want to move forward and continue to use the homo sapien race as a vehicle to learn about divine love then we need to reach hands out between the different sections of our truth and link them together so our understanding is greater than ever before.

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